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Writer's pictureMarley Wagner

Packing a Hospital Bag

There are so many things to think about when packing your hospital bag before baby arrives. Especially as a first-time mom, I didn't know exactly what I would want or need, so I did a ton of Googling! I ended up downloading a handful of hospital bag packing checklists that I found online, then combining and editing them to create my own.

I like to be extra prepared, so I recommend having your hospital bag at least mostly packed by around 35-36 weeks. When my daughter came at 38 weeks, I was so relieved that I just had to throw a couple last minute things in my bag!

You can download my full packing checklist at the bottom of this post, but first, here are a few important highlights and callouts.

Favorite/most used items

These were all items I wasn't totally sure I would want or use, but packed just in case. And they were among my favorite things during labor and our two-night stay in the hospital.

Portable fan

This was absolutely AMAZING during labor when I would suddenly get super hot during contractions and while pushing! I also think my husband liked having this with us, since holding it or changing its angle was something he could do to be helpful during labor.

Honey sticks

These were my favorite snack during labor. Especially once I got the epidural, "real" food is discouraged or even not allowed in some hospitals, so these are a great energy-packed option.

Your own pillows

Bring pillows from home for you and your partner! Hospital pillows are not exactly the best. I would also use pillowcases that are a color other than white if you have them handy - ours are white, which matched the hospital bedding, so they were sometimes a bit hard to differentiate between ours and the hospital's.

A cloth gown

It was nice to labor in something soft and comfy rather than a scratchy hospital gown. This one from Frida mom was great! It's sold individually or as part of their labor and delivery + postpartum recovery kit.

Things I wished I had packed

These items didn't make my original packing list, but I wished I had them once I was there! Lessons learned that can hopefully make your hospital stay a bit more pleasant.

Baby clothes in a variety of sizes

I never expected my daughter to be too small for the newborn-size outfit I brought her to go home in! We made it work, but next time, I would pack one preemie, one newborn, and one 0-3 month outfit so you know you'll have something that fits regardless of baby's size when they’re born.

Nipple Cream

My hospital had nipple cream for me to use while I was there (most do), but I wasn't a big fan of the kind they supplied, so I wish I had brought my own. This organic Nipple Butter is my absolute favorite!

Things I packed but didn't need

There were a couple things that I brought to the hospital that I never used while I was there. The first was my breast pump - I brought it thinking maybe the lactation consultants would show me how to use it, but they just recommended a specific YouTube how-to video instead, so I didn’t need it at the hospital at all. The other thing was regular underwear - random, but so easy to not realize that you won’t need them!

Download my hospital bag checklist >>

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